TMD as defined by the American Academy of Orofacial Pain: TMD SYMPTOMS include pain or discomfort in or around the ear, jaw joint, and/or muscles of the jaw, face, temples and neck on one or both sides. The pain may arise suddenly and progress with fluctuating frequency and intensity over months to years. Clicking, popping, grating (crepitus), locking, limited opening or deviating jaw movement, chewing difficulties, and headache are also associated with TMD.
This condition is best suited for conservative management which is where we fit in! The assessment process is simple and provides you with a personalized treatment plan.
Beyond the time spent in clinic, here are a few things to watch for: unmanaged stress, tough/chewy foods, poor posture, nagging neck or post concussion symptoms.
Quick tips:
* Lips together, teeth apart, tongue rested on the roof of the mouth such as when you say the letter “N”
* Tall posture as if you were an action figure
* Soft pillow with enough height to support your neck
* Proper sitting ergonomics for work, car, leisure, etc. Think arms rests and head position, not just low back support
* Stay active and keep your upper body strong & supportive of your head and neck
Identify bad habits & work to correct them
- Clenching teeth
- Bracing teeth
- Nail biting
- Lip chewing