Long COVID Physiotherapy

Post COVID-19 condition, also known as “Long COVID”, is a complex and disabling condition that occurs following a confirmed or probable infection of COVID-19. With Long COVID, symptoms persist for longer than 3 months after initial infection. Symptoms can be varied, and can affect anyone of any age. While Long COVID appears to be slightly more common in individuals with serious COVID-19 infections, even those with mild or asymptomatic cases can develop Long COVID.

Health Canada reports that up to 15% of those infected with COVID-19 will develop Long COVID. For many with Long COVID, symptoms will persist for a year or more.

Signs and symptoms of Long COVID

COVID-19 affects many systems in the body, causing Long COVID symptoms to be quite variable. Common symptoms include:

  • Ongoing fatigue, or fatigue made significantly worse with exertion
  • Cognitive symptoms such as brain fog, headache, and difficulty sleeping
  • Lung symptoms such as shortness of breath and coughing
  • Neurological/Heart symptoms such as racing heart, palpitations, and dizziness

These symptoms can have a significant impact on one’s ability to function at home, work, and in school. For some, they are no longer able to live alone or require significant help in their daily activities.

How physiotherapy can help

The treatment and management of long COVID requires a multi-faceted approach, and physiotherapists can play a vital role in helping individuals manage their long COVID symptoms, including:

  • Screening for potentially serious side effects of Long COVID
  • Providing instruction and support for safely introducing activity to manage symptoms
  • Education and support on pacing and planning daily activities
  • Instruction of breathing and postural exercises to help with shortness of breath and cough

Scotia’s Physiotherapy team has a special interest in Long COVID, and is pursuing further knowledge in the management of Long COVID. Scotia physiotherapy also offers Massage Therapy, Nutrition Counselling with a Registered Dietician, and in-gym Physiotherapy to support symptom management with Long COVID.

What to expect on your first day

An initial physiotherapy visit will include history taking and a physical evaluation. This will involve 40-60 minutes of one-on-one assessment, discussion of your goals and treatment plan, plus treatment time with your therapist.

Unsure if PT is right for you?
Book a no-cost consult first. Call 902 425 3065 or book online.
